Wednesday 16 November 2016

Guess who?


I am a year 5 girl in kauri 89. My hair is as black as a thundercloud and is always in plates. At the bottom of my hair I have curls as wavy as a flowers petals and I always wear a black hair tie that no one can see. My eyes are as brown as wood. I have my ears pierced but I don’t wear earrings. My height I would say is about medium size for my age, I would say I am as tall as 8 - 10 chairs stacked up, when I am walking inside the classroom I don’t knock over pieces of artwork or paper hanging down from the ceiling.

I really enjoy sports and my favourite sport is netball I play for Parkvale school but not any more because our session has finished. I also like to shop and my favourite shop is farmers because I like the clothes they have there. I love learning and my favourite subject is Maths then Art. I like Maths because I learn new things everyday and it challenges me. I also like art because I like to draw and color but mostly coloring because I am better at it than drawing. I also like going outside for some fresh air and going on the tramp, so in the holidays you might find me bouncing on the tramp. I also love cooking especially with my mum and baking chocolate brownies. I also like watching movies and one of my best one is the BFG.

I am usually a happy person but not funny I try to look at the bright side of many things possible. My favourite color is blue and purple because I like the shades of the colors. I am kind and caring and try to make people feel good. I feel good when I make other people feel good. I am not that shy but I am when I see someone I don't know. I have a brother and he can be annoying sometimes but most of the time he is in his room studying.

Can you guess who I am!!!